Business always come before pleasure when buying real estate. Jackson Hole Wyoming real estate is in a state with no state personal or corporate income tax, with no inventory tax and a maximum 6 percent county sales tax. In fact, the tax burden is among the lowest in the 50 states, making Jackson Hole commercial real estate a steal.
Of course, one could buy real estate in Laramie or Evanston with equal tax benefits. What makes Jackson hole wyoming real estate different is it is in a lifestyle powerhouse. The town of Jackson, hosting must Jackson Hole luxury homes, has a crime rate of 150 per 10,000 people, or half the national average, according to citydata.com. Just north of it, 90,000 elk winter in the National Elk Refuge, the largest such in North America. Jackson Wyoming real estate is thus a good investment for a small town feel.
Jackson Hole Wyoming real estate enjoys privileges in the rest of the valley. The valley is home to 60 mammal species, 100 bird species, and six game fish. The Tetons offer ample skiing opportunities. In fact, Bill Briggs, a National Ski Hall of Fame inductee, skied down 13,772 ft Grand Teton in 1971, popularizing skiing there.
How can you buy Jackson Hole Wyoming real estate? Just call Jackson hole realtors. Whether you want just Jackson Hole homes for sale, or Jackson Hole ranches for sale, there is Jackson Hole Wyoming real estate for every taste. More like this blog.