Those that learn about motor oil may be surprised to learn that it is made from both petroleum based and synthesized, non petroleum chemical compounds. Nearly 50 percent of the motor oil in Europe is re refined. People learning about motor oil will find that in the United States, only 10 to 15 percent of engine oil has undergone a similar process.
Those that are figuring out where to get an oil change should look for a place that know only knows all of the latest Api oil ratings, but knows not to put too much oil into a car. This could cause parts of the vehicles crankshaft to dip into the oil, which churns in air and causes foaming and fluctuations in oil pressure. Learning about motor oil before figuring out where to get oil changes could be a big help to drivers.
Increasing ones knowledge about motor oil standards could help them to protect more things than just their vehicle. The United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that approximately 200 million gallons (757,082 liters) of motor oil each year winds up being dumped illegally. When this happens, it can form scum on top of water. Those that learn about motor oil as well as the large number of API standards know that this oil pollution stops oxygen and sunlight from entering water, which can end up killing fish, plants, frogs and other lifeforms. Read this website for more information: www.motoroilmatters.org