A turbidity barrier is actually known by quite a few different names. These other names for a turbidity barrier include turbidity curtain, silt barrier and silt curtain. So, while you may be unfamiliar with what a turbidity barrier it may simply because you know this item by another name.
There are some people who simply don’t know what a turbidity barrier is. This is true for them regardless of what you may call this item. For these people it is important to explain that a turbidity barrier is a barrier that contains silt and sediment. These are stirred up by either in or near water construction activities such as dredging operations. For this reason, many people who work within the construction industry today say that turbidity barrier are the ideal solution for their construction project.
There are some construction projects in which a turbidity barrier is more commonly used. These construction projects include dredging bridges, removing dams and restoring marinas, bulkheads, piers and other type of harbor retaining walls. Turbidity barriers are also used in port and terminal projects such as working with groins, dikes and breakwaters. They are also used in ferry landings, pipeline crossings, rehabilitating intake areas and restoring both coasts ans shorelines.
All of these tasks are very important, which is why you want to make sure that the turbidity barrier you choose conforms to all of the regulations and requirements of your project. You’ll also want to make sure that the turbidity barrier adheres to the Clean Water Act and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System, as well as any state and local regulations and guidelines that you need to adhere to. So, when you need to purchase a turbidity barrier take your time to look for nothing less than the very best one on the market today because that’s what you’ll need to get the job done right.